Nourish the WHOLE self



I am a Body-Oriented Trauma Specialist. I specialize, and am passionate about, finding ways to help you feel more alive and free of habits that no longer serve you.  Together we discover ways for you to come back into a conscious and embodied relationship with the core of yourself.

I work with private clients, offers series & workshops for groups and hosts retreats.  I am here to offer you a variety of tools from more than two decades studying Yoga, Yoga for Mental Health, Yoga Nidra, Ayurvedic Medicine, Trauma-Informed Yoga, and Somatic Experiencing.


Embodiment sessions make space for the nervous system to settle, unwind, & function from a place of personal rhythm.

Join me once a week for a playful movement class that will invite embodiment and curiosity back into your day.

Throughout the year, I will offer multiple week series that will allow us to take a deeper dive into Somatic tools of support.

Join me for a deeper dive into a variety of somatic tools and wisdom throughout the year in the form of a workshop.